4 Major Signs You Need a New Furnace
Did you know that common heating practices during the colder months can actually damage your furnace? It’s true. At the time you need it most, your furnace can struggle to keep your home warm. If you’ve never had a furnace start to fail on you, you may not know how to recognize the signs. It’s important to know what to look for so you don’t end up with a furnace that fails completely on a cold night. We want to help prepare you. Keep reading to learn a few key signs that it’s time for a new furnace.
1. Your Utility Bills Are Up
It’s normal for your energy bills to go up during the colder months, but if they’re spiking higher than usual, it might mean that your furnace is struggling to heat your home.
If your furnace isn’t running efficiently, it has to devote more energy to keeping your home warm. While you may not notice this based on the temperature (yet), it will cause gradual changes to your bills.
If your bills are getting higher with no other explanation, consider having an HVAC company inspect your furnace.
2. Your Furnace Is Old
Sometimes the best reason to get a new furnace is that the old one has overstayed its welcome.
It’s normal for furnaces to last about twenty years before they start breaking down. If you haven’t had your home for that long, it’s helpful to ask a professional about the age of your furnace.
If your furnace is still running strong after all of that time, it’s still helpful to get an inspection to make sure you’re not missing any problems.
3. Your Home Isn’t Evenly Warm
Are there cold patches in your home despite your thermostats all being set correctly? This might be a sign that either your furnace is failing or there’s something wrong with your thermostat itself.
Your furnace should be strong enough to warm your entire home, but if it’s getting old, this might not be the case. The cold spots in your home aren’t random gusts from unsealed windows; they’re signs of an old furnace!
4. You Need Frequent Repairs
So what if you already have regular furnace inspections? You’ve taken good care of your furnace and you always hire HVAC services when you know that it needs a tune-up.
If you find yourself needing someone to come to repair your furnace often due to repeated furnace issues, it might be time to replace it. Replacing your furnace may end up being more affordable than constant repairs.
Do You Need a New Furnace?
Do any of these signs seem familiar? If so, it might be time to get a new furnace before it’s too late. The last thing that you want is for your furnace to fail during the winter when you need it most!
Are you ready to commit to getting a new furnace? Are you looking for a professional to assess the problem first? Let us help you.
Contact J&M Smith Heating and Air for all of your HVAC needs.