5 Air Conditioning Tips to Help You Cut Energy Costs This Summer
Eighty-seven percent of U.S. homes use air conditioning, and, in 2015, AC accounted for 12% of the average home’s energy expenses. The regional range was between two and 27%. That’s a lot of energy!
There are several ways we can reduce energy costs, though, by developing better summer energy habits. In this article, we’ll discuss five summer air conditioning tips to help you start reducing your utility bills.
1. Keep Doors and Windows Closed During the Day
You probably heard this wisdom a lot as a kid, and now you know why. By leaving doors and windows open, you are, as they say, “cooling the outdoors.”
It’s a good idea to keep windows open on cooler nights, though. Doing so should leave a little lingering cool to enjoy during the day.
2. Close Shades and Other Window Coverings During the Day
A lot of sunlight pours into your house, especially in places not shaded by trees or bushes. You can fend off some of this heat by drawing the blinds and curtains. If you like waking up with the sun, you can reopen your shades at night.
3. Avoid Turning on the Oven
An oven uses a lot of wattage on its own, often costing hundreds of dollars a year. Add to that the energy burden heating an oven places on a summer air conditioner, and you’ll quickly understand why your utility bills are making you feel like you’ve been robbed.
Instead of using the oven, grill outdoors, use small appliances for indoor cooking or make occasional meals, like tuna salad, that require no cooking at all.
4. Get Your Cooling System Serviced Before Hot Weather Arrives
Another of our AC tips for summer is one you should never overlook: AC maintenance and service. A clean and well-maintained AC unit will use much less energy. It will also serve you longer before needing replacement at $3,000 or more.
5. Use a Programmable Thermostat
You might want to purchase a smart thermostat to keep your energy bills under control throughout the year. If you do, you probably won’t even notice a difference.
If you’re not ready for a “smart device” yet, a manual programmable device will still be helpful. It might need a little more attention, especially while you’re getting used to it, but the energy savings can offset the cost of purchase and installation.
Chill Out With These Air Conditioning Tips
If you follow our summer air conditioning tips, it won’t be long before you see energy savings. It won’t be much longer, either, before you start thinking about how to cut your summer air conditioner use in new and innovative ways.
We also want to remind you that, just because you’ve accrued energy savings in summer, that doesn’t mean it’s OK to abandon your good habits come winter. If you live around here, in Joplin, MO, you know that winter weather calls for a lot of energy use.
If you live in our area, think of us first the next time you need help with your air conditioner or other appliance!