Maintain Efficient Cooling With an AC Tune-Up at the Right Time


Did you know that over 30 people died in Missouri in 2023 due to heat-related illnesses? 

While some might consider the number relatively small, remember that heat-related deaths are entirely preventable. One of the safety precautions the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services recommends is having a proper air conditioning unit. 

An AC tune-up is crucial to keep your AC running efficiently. That said, here’s a quick guide on:

  • When to get your AC serviced
  • The key benefits of AC tune-ups
  • What to expect during an HVAC system checkup
  • Tips for optimal AC performance in Southwest Missouri

When to Get an AC Tune-up

You may call for AC service any time of the year. However, if you want to stick to a schedule, we recommend HVAC service during spring and fall.

For improved AC efficiency, a spring tune-up will help your unit be ready for summer. After all, the last thing you want is for your AC to break down during extreme heat. 

Meanwhile, a fall tune-up can help address any wear and tear from AC use during summer. Doing this will ensure your HVAC system can perform its cooling and heating functions without problems.

Benefits of Preventive HVAC Maintenance

Some homeowners may think an AC tune-up is a luxury, especially when their systems work fine. In the case of cooling, it’s best to remember that it’s better to be proactive than reactive, as repairs can be costly.

Now, if you still need convincing that preventive HVAC maintenance is a valuable investment, consider these benefits:

  • A more energy-efficient HVAC unit 
  • Lower utility bills
  • Avoiding emergency repairs 
  • Consistent and comfortable indoor temperatures
  • Increased AC lifespan
  • Better air quality

AC Tune-Ups: What to Expect

When you call an HVAC expert to service your unit, they will inspect and perform minor repairs on all components of your system. That includes:

  • Checking for leaks, faulty electrical connections, etc.
  • Measuring refrigerant and coolant levels
  • Ensuring proper functioning of the thermostat
  • Cleaning dirt and blockages in the air ducts, evaporator, and condenser coils
  • Testing all AC operations

HVAC technicians will also replace filters if needed. However, as a homeowner, this is one of the easiest HVAC maintenance tasks you can do.

Ways to Improve AC Efficiency in Southwest Missouri

Besides replacing air filters, there are simple tasks you can do to keep your AC running smoothly. For example, simply closing your home’s doors or windows creates a sealed environment that helps your HVAC operate efficiently.

If you have an outdoor unit, you can clean around the condenser. In-depth cleanings, however, are best left to the pros. Lastly and most importantly, don’t forget to schedule AC tune-ups twice a year.

Keep Your AC in Excellent Condition

Now that you understand the importance of an AC tune-up, do you think your HVAC system needs one asap?

We can help. J&M Smith Heating and Air Conditioning offers affordable and reliable heat and air services in the Southwest Missouri region. Our commercial and residential customers know that when we work on heating and cooling systems, our solid guarantee is to have them ready for the cold winters and hot summers. 

To schedule a professional check-up in Joplin, Missouri, and surrounding areas, contact us today. 

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