3 Most Common HVAC Issues That Require Heater Repairs
Since almost half of the energy Americans use annually powers HVAC systems, yours will likely see the impact of regular wear and tear after a while. If you begin to notice any issues, heater repairs in Joplin, Missouri may be in order. Click here to learn three common issues that make these repairs a priority.
1. Poor Heating
As HVAC parts age, they’re more likely to malfunction or run slowly. This can stop an adequate amount of heating from circulating through your home. If the heater does emit warmth, it may do so slowly and not heat the entire space up effectively.
Additionally, even if the HVAC emits some heat, it may feel inconsistent throughout your house. Some rooms may feel too hot while others are frigid.
This issue isn’t only uncomfortable but can cost you a lot of money. If your heater isn’t working well, you’ll run it more frequently at higher temperatures. This will wrack up your energy bills while still failing to give you the comfortable warmth you need.
This can also cause an inadequate hot water supply if both your furnace and your hot water heater are connected to the same valve.
Heating and furnace repair services can replace the parts of your heater that aren’t working well. This will ensure that your unit can generate even and reliable heat.
2. Burning Smells
If you turn on your heating system and find that it smells odd, there are several possible causes for this.
Maybe it’s just heating up after a long summer of being at rest. Maybe it has a musty smell resulting from mold and mildew. You never know, and if the smell persists, you could expose your lungs to dangerous pollutants like black mold.
If your furnace smells like burning plastic, you’re contending with a very common issue. Faulty electrical wiring can cause rubbery plastic odors. So can foreign objects like children’s toys or craft supplies you dropped.
No matter what, the burning smell means that something is melting. If you can’t find and remove it on your own, you’ll need to hire repair experts. After all, you don’t want toxins contaminating your air.
3. Strange Noises
If your heater makes rumbling or clunking sounds, your unit may not be level. Take leveling pads and use them to get the unit at an even and uniform height. This also has the added benefit of muffling sound from the heater jostling around.
A professional can do a good job of this safely. You won’t need to worry about accidents with electrical wires or odd components.
Sound also often comes from normal wear and tear on coils and internal fans. A professional can get into your HVAC and replace these for you quickly and accurately. They’ll also make sure that all nuts and bolts are secure to prevent future rattling and vibrations.
Invest in Joplin Heater Repairs
Now that you know the most common HVAC issues that require heater repairs, it’s time to begin maintaining and fixing problems with your heating and air conditioning system. Our team is committed to assessing your specific situation, diagnosing your HVAC-related issue, and resolving it ASAP. Contact J&M Smith to learn more about heater repairs in Joplin, Missouri.